Saturday, 2 February 2013

eeek! turning thirty

Image from

Last month I woke up one morning and I was thirty. After inspecting my face in the mirror I realised to my relief that I looked the same, in fact I reckon I look more or less the same as I did in my mid-twenties. Luckily I´ve worn sunscreen since I was seventeen, I drink lots of green tea and like eating well, and my mum looks great for her age which are all good indications that my face shrivel up like a sun-dried prune any time soon. However I´ve suddenly taken an interest in words like antioxidants, collagen, glycolic acid, AHAs, peptides, retinol... it´s all a bit overwhelming to be honest. Where do you start? Well according to experts the next 3-5 years are crucial, it is absolutely vital you look after your skin, and apparently reaching thirty-five will tell you whether you´ve done that well or not. This is what it says on Turning 30 - Aging Skin Beauty Tips - Marie Claire :  MD Skincare’s Dr. Dennis Gross puts it like this: At 30, things are usually not as good as they appear. What lies beneath — cumulative sun damage, crumbling collagen and elastin [the support beams of still-plump skin], and disappearing blood vessels — is about to emerge as brown spots, wrinkles, and sallow and sagging skin if you don’t take care of it.” Quite scary? This is why I´m re-thinking my skincare regime. First I´m after a good antioxidant serum to use every day to wear under my sun protection, I´m waiting to receive a sample of Acai Damage Repairing Serum by Khiel´s. In the mornings I´ve stopped using a facial scrub, I think three times a week is fine. Im using micellar water instead which is much gentler, and cleanses well. And at night after deep cleansing my face I use a hydrating skin treatment, Ive spoken about Khiel´s Midnight Recovery before, I love this as the essential oils are great for soaking into the skin and keeping it plumped-up and firm. They say the first signs of aging appear around your eyes, those fine lines that creep up on you. So of course I´ve invested in some decent eye creams, a lighter one to pat in every morning and a richer one for night. Anyway there´s nothing to dread, it´s a great opportunity to invest in some lovely new products and start looking forward to a new chapter in your life! Here are some highly rated products perfect for thirty-somethings. Do you have a favourite product? How was turning thirty for you?

El mes pasado me levante por la mañana con trienta años. Despues de inspectar mi cara en espejo descubri con alivio que parecio igual que el dia antes, de hecho parecio igual de hace cincos años mas o menos. Por suerte llevaba protector solar en la cara desde que tenia dicisiete años, bebo mucho te verde y tengo la dieta sana, tambien mi madre esta estupenda por su edad, Supongo todo eso significa que no voy a tener la cara como un bolso de piel de crocodilo pronto. Sin embargo de pronto estoy teniendo mas interes en todo lo que lleva retinol, peptides, antioxidantes, colageno... la verdad es un poco agobiante. ¿Donde se empiece? Segun a los expertos los proximos 3 a 5 cincos son vitales en cuidarse la piel al maximo, y con trienta años veras si lo has conseguido de buena manera o no. Por eso tengo que re-pensar mi rutina diario. Primero, pienso en llevarme un buen suero de antioxidantes cada mañana debajo el proteccion solar. Tengo ganas a probare el Acai Damage Repairing Serum de Khiel´s. Por las mañanas ya no uso el exfoliante cada dia como antes, lo he cambiado por el agua micelar, lo que es mas suave y limpia muy bien. Y por las noches sigo usando una tratamiento que hidrata profundamente, ya hable sobre Khiel´s Midnight Recovery. Me encanta por sus aceites esenciales que mantiene la piel con un aspecto mas firme y jugoso. Se dice que los primeros signos de envejecimiento se aparecen por los ojos, esos lineas finas que se nota de pronto. Pues he invertido en unos buenos contornos de ojos, uno mas ligero para aplicar por las mañanas y otro mas espeso para la noche. Bueno, no hay nada para temer, es una buena oportunidad de aprovechar de comprar unos potingues lujosos y abrir una nueva época de tu vida! Aqui dejo unos productos perfectos para las treintonas! ¿Tenais un producto favorito? ¿Como era la experiencia de cuplir 30 años para ti?

Wild Rose Beauty Elixir from Neals Yard.

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair

Origins A Perfect World  Serum

Abyssine Serum by Khiel´s


  1. I've heard wonderful things about Estee Lauder's Advanced Night Repair. It's a little expensive for my budget at the moment, but it is definitely on my wish list. Love your blog dear! Keep up the great work:)

    1. It´s on mine too, the problem is so are all the others! Thanks for the kind comment! xx
